Do you need help to get the most from your NDIS Plan? Our support coordination team can help! 

Do you have Support Coordination allocated in your NDIS Plan? If so, our Support Coordination team can help you. Having a support coordinator makes it easier for you to connect with your providers and community to help you achieve your goals. 


What is support coordination? 

Support coordination is designed to help you to know more about your NDIS plan.   

Support Coordination is designed to assist you in understanding your NDIS Plan and offering suggestions about service providers within our region. We will work closely with you to gain an understanding of your goals and aspirations. Our team will assist in helping you gain the most out of your NDIS plan, assist in managing your budget and work together with you to achieve your goals. 

Lifely currently offers Level 2 Support Coordination. 


Decoding and demystifying the NDIS 

Do you find the NDIS confusing and frustrating? You’re not alone; many participants and families find navigating the scheme difficult and need support to get the best outcomes.  

A good support coordinator can make a world of difference to your NDIS experience. 

Your support coordinator will spend time helping you build new skills and support to make choices about how your services fit into your lifestyle. Your support coordinator will work with you one-on-one to go through your plan, help you decide how to spend your funds and connect with support providers that meet your unique needs.


Your guide to navigating the NDIS 

It’s helpful to think about your support coordinator as an NDIS travel agent. They know all the best service providers and have the right contacts.

You might want to switch to a new service provider. Our team know the local industry and are objective. We can help find providers near you that meet your unique needs so that you can make the right choice for your life. 

Whomever you choose, your support coordinator will be there to talk to providers about what they can offer you and how much it will cost your plan. That way, you get the most out of your funding.

Once you’ve made your choices, your support coordinator will do all the legwork of making sure your service agreements and service bookings are complete.


Help to review and change your plan.

Your support coordinator will get in touch throughout your plan period to ask how your supports are going. If your life changes or you’re unhappy with a provider, they can help you make adjustments.

Before your plan comes to an end, your support coordinator will help you prepare for your next plan review. Good preparation gives you the best shot at receiving the funding you need to improve your everyday life.


Professionals you can trust 

When you’re looking for a support coordinator, it’s critical to pick people you trust.  

Our team of support coordinators are highly qualified and experienced. You can trust we know our stuff and have checks and controls to ensure your services and supports are managed per NDIS guidelines. 

You’re an individual, which is why we believe a personal touch is essential. We allocate a dedicated support coordinator that understands you, your circumstances and your local community. 


How to get support coordination? 

Unlike plan management, support coordination is not available to everyone on the NDIS. The NDIS only funds support coordination in cases where participants: 

  • Need help to learn the skills to navigate the NDIS on their own in the future.  
  • Don’t have family, friends or an informal support network to help find and connect with service providers.  
  • They are likely to gain real-life benefits from having the help of a support coordinator. 
  • Are new NDIS participants receiving their first plan or going through a significant life change.

You need to ask for support coordination to be included in your plan at your planning meeting. The planner will determine your eligibility. You can also do it mid-plan by telephoning the NDIS on 1800 800 110 or getting in touch with your local area coordinator.

Before that, it’s worth taking the time to note why you need the extra support to be well prepared.

Find out How to include support coordination in your NDIS plan. 

We’d Love to Hear from You!

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