Government responds to Disability Royal Commission: Parliment House Canberra.

The Australian Government has released its response to the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission). This response is an important step towards making Australia more inclusive, accessible, and safe for people with disabilities.

Government commitment to reform

The Australian Government has said it is dedicated to working closely with the disability community to implement necessary reforms. This commitment was strengthened through consultations with people with disabilities, their families, carers, the disability sector, and other key stakeholders.

Key points from the Disability Royal Commission report

The Disability Royal Commission’s final report contains two hundred twenty-two recommendations. The Australian Government has primary or shared responsibility for one hundred seventy-two of these recommendations. The Government’s response includes:

  • Acceptance or acceptance in principle of one hundred thirty recommendations.
  • Noting six recommendations.
  • Ongoing consideration of thirty-six recommendations, which need further consultation or relate to ongoing inquiries.

While it is positive that most recommendations have been accepted, it is noted that only thirteen recommendations have been fully accepted at this stage.

Joint response from Australian, state, and territory governments

Alongside the Australian Government’s response, a joint response from the Australian, state, and territory governments has also been released. This joint response highlights a shared commitment to providing culturally appropriate, safe, and high-quality services and supports for all people with disabilities, regardless of where they live in Australia.

A Collaborative Approach for Long-Term Reform

The journey towards a more inclusive and accessible Australia will occur in stages, prioritising the most urgent actions first. Ongoing collaboration with people with disabilities will be crucial in designing and implementing longer-term reforms.

Lifely’s role and response

Lifely is currently reviewing the response documents and will keep participants, families, and the community informed about any developments. In the meantime, check out our blog for the latest news about the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Disability Royal Commission and other topics effecting the disability community in Australia.

Learn more about the Australian Government and joint Government Response to the Disability Royal Commission

For more information on the Australian Government and joint Government Response to the Disability Royal Commission, and to access supporting documents in various accessible formats including Easy Read, AUSLAN, Braille, large print, and languages other than English, visit the Department of Social Services website.

By staying informed and engaged, we can work together towards a safer, more inclusive, and accessible future for all Australians with disabilities.