NDIA Report on Assistive Technology for Children Released
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has recently released a report that sheds light on how assistive technology can help children below nine years old.
What is Assistive technology?
Assistive technology is equipment that helps people with disabilities do things they can’t do easily or safely. Examples include wheelchairs, hearing aids, screen readers, and speech recognition software.
What’s in the snapshot?
This snapshot focuses on young children who have a diagnosed physical or intellectual disability or developmental delays. They are generally working towards goals related to communication, mobility, and participation.
To compile this report, the NDIA conducted a thorough search of various research databases. They specifically looked for systematic reviews, meta-analyses, scoping reviews, and evidence-based guidelines. In the end, they found 34 reviews that provided valuable insights for their evidence snapshot.
The report emphasises the significance of early intervention with the right technology and equipment. It highlights how they can be effective in improving communication, language, and mobility for these young children, both at home and in their communities.
However, it’s worth noting that the report also acknowledges the limitations of existing research in this area. It points out areas that require further investigation for a better understanding of how assistive technology can best support children with disabilities.
For those interested in delving deeper into this topic, the full report is available for reading and download on the National Disability Insurance Scheme website. Read or Download the Full Report Here
Who can I talk to about technology or equipment in my child’s NDIS plan?
Talk to your local area coordinator or support coordinator about including assistive technology in your child’s NDIS plan, or talk to your plan manager to learn how to use NDIS funds for equipment to help achieve their goals. Contact Lifely at 1300 799 421, via our contact page or visit our office in Ballarat, Bendigo, or Mildura for more information.